Monday, October 10, 2011

Cheater Pickled Beets

Cheater Pickled Beets

I love pickled beets!

But, I don't garden, and I don't can.

I know that buying and eating, especially eating, canned foods that aren't home canned in jars, but are factory produced in metal cans, is not popular today. But, not all canned foods are best avoided, some are, true, but not all.

Cooked beets are not so different if you buy fresh beets (and good luck finding ones that are truly fresh in a store), peel them, slice them, and cook them yourself, or if you buy them in a can all ready to eat.

Cheater Pickled Beets

For those of us who love pickled beets, but don't garden and don't can.
  • Sliced Beets, 1 Can
(14.5 oz is the size you may find, but this recipe works, as is, for any size can, up to 16 oz).
  • 2 TBSPS Sugar
  • 2 TBSPS Water
  • 2 TBSPS White Vinegar

Drain the beets and place them in a heatproof bowl.

Bring the sugar, water, and vinegar to a boil, stirring occasionally.

Pour over the beets. Toss, gently (you don't want to touch hot sugar).

Refrigerate overnight.

Eat as a condiment, a snack, or a side dish. This doesn't make a large amount, not if you love pickled beets like I do, but it can be doubled, etc.

Ate on: 10/09/2011

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